Pest Control Services For Honey Bee Hive Removal In India

Bees, wasps control & bee hive removal services in Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Kolkata, India. At Easycare we provide best pest control services which helps you get rid of honey bees and bee-hives near your house & surroundings.

Social Wasps

Family – Vespidae.Yellow and black abdomen. Markings will differ according to species.

  • 3/4 – 1 inch long.
  • Female faces are black, male faces are yellow.
  • Thorax has bright yellow, orange or white hair on it.
  • No traces of hair can be found on the abdomen.
  • Females have a stinger, males do not.
  • Young Queens overwinter and emerge in the spring to start nest building and lay eggs.
  • Workers (sterile females) emerge during early summer and take over nest building. Queen continues to lay eggs.
  • Mating happens in the early autumn time of the year.
  • Nest dies during winter, including all the males and workers. Only Queens survive to the next year.
  • Size of the colony —can be from medium to large (up to 25,000 individuals).
  • Preferred nest sites — lofts, wall cavities, old rodent holes, hollow trees.
  • Nest construction — A new nest is produced each year with pulped wood (paper) and combs are set horizontally.
  • Swarming — does not swarm.
  • Food preferences — will take insects and sweet foods.
  • Stings readily and repeatedly.

Carpenter Bee: Xylocopavirginica:

  • 3/4 – 1 inch long.
  • Female faces are black, male faces are yellow.
  • Thorax shows traces of bright yellow, orange or white hair.
  • No hair on abdomen.
  • Females have a stinger, males do not.
  • Prepare a tunnel into wood to lay eggs.
  • It takes 7 weeks approx. for the lifecycle from egg – larva – pupa – adult.
  • Larva is large and noisy.
  • New adults emerge from the nest late August.
  • They only sting when provoked.
  • They are visible during the late-spring to mid-October.
  • They prefer to nest in untreated softwoods, redwood, cedar, cypress, and pine. They reuse the old nests.
  • Their nests can be found in eaves, window trims, facia boards, siding, decks and outdoor furniture.
  • They feed on flowers that contain pollen, egBradfords, Daffodils, Pansies. Pollen stored in abandoned tunnels for overwintering.

Hornets: Vespa crabro

  • Large, up to 1.8 inches long.
  • The colour of the wings is reddish-orange.
  • Their abdomen is orange and brown stripes.
  • Nests are founded in the Spring. Build nests in the spring.
  • Most die-off by late Autumn.
  • Only the fertilized Queen hibernates.
  • They build nests in sheltered places like tree trunks, bushes, building sides, barns, hollow walls. They are grey in colour and paper-like.
  • A colony can reach a size of 700 workers
  • They only sting when provoked. It is quite painful for humans. They can mobile the entire nest to stings to defend themselves and this can be very dangerous for humans.
  • They feed on insects and saps. They are not seen near human food.

Honey Bee: Apismellifera

They are dark brown in colour and body is covered with hair.

  • 3/4 – 1 inch long.
  • Female faces are black, male faces are yellow.
  • Bright yellow, orange or white hairs on the thorax.
  • There is no hair on the abdomen.
  • Females have a stinger, males do not.
  • Usually the colony size is large and there are more than 30,000 bees in colony.
  • They prefer to build nest on hollow trees, roofs, and wall cracks.
  • The nest is constructed with wax combs which hangs vertically and they use it constantly throughout the life of the colony.
  • They swarm in Spring and early Summer.
  • The whole colony overwinters.
  • They only feed on honey and pollens.
  • Will not sting unless provoked.

Solitary Bee: Apismellifera

They are mostly similar to honey bee.

  • 3/4 – 1 inch long. They are 3/4 to 1-inch long.
  • Females have black faces and males have yellow like others.
  • The thorax is filled with bright yellow, orange or white hair.
  • There is no hair on the abdomen.
  • Only females can sting.
  • They have small colonies which are tended by a female.
  • Soil, soft cement, and mortar between bricks are some locations where they build nests.
  • Each year they build a new nest using various materials.
  • They do not swarm.
  • They overwinter usually in the pupal stage within the nest.
  • They feed on honey and pollen only.
  • They rarely sting.

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