Best Pest Control Treatment Services For Wood Borer In India
Best wood borer pest control service provider company in Delhi – India. Easycare provides best wood borer treatment services which helps in protecting your wood furniture from wood borer.
Wood Borer
- Scientific name:Hylotrupes bajulus
- Color : Black/Brown
- Length :Adult Borer is 8 – 25 mm.
- Sound : None
- Appearance :On the thorax you will find greyish hair and 2 black spots which resemble like eyes.
- Wood borer larvae lives between 3 – 11 years before emerging.
- They create wood holes between 3 – 7mm.
- They are mostly found on most susceptible wood types like pune, spruce, etc.
- Often the timbers used in the roof space are infested.
- They can cause a lot of damage in the timber around the chimney area. They produce large amount of bore-dust with cylindrical pellets. These are visible in a blistered way on the surface of the wood.
- Longhorn borers can fly in a sunny weather. This enables them to infest from one building to another.
Lyctus brunneus : Wood Borer
- Scientific name: Lyctus brunneus
- Color : Reddish or Dark brown.
- Length :1 – 7 mm.
- Sound : None
- Appearance :The Larva is white in colour, slightly curved and can measure up to 5mm when fully developed
- If the condition is favourable, then it takes 9-12 months to develop fully.
- The life span of an adult is 1 – 3 months only.
- They attack dry, untreated with chemicals, and rich in starch woods. Woods like Rubberwood, Ramin, Jelutong, Penarahan, Merbau, and Kempas.
Wood Boring Weevil
- Wood Borer: Wood Boring Weevil
- Scientific name: None
- Color : Reddish Brown to black.
- Length :2.5 – 5 mm in length.
- Sound : None
- Appearance :The larva looks like a creamy shite C-shaped, wrinkled and they are legless.
Common Furniture Beetle
- Wood Borer: Common Furniture Beetle
- Scientific name:Anobium punctatum
- Color :Dark Brown.
- Length :Adult beetle is 3 – 4mm in length.
- Sound : None
- Appearance :Adults are 2.5 to 5mm in length. The adult weevil grows upto 5mm in length.
- They are active and fly in warm and sunny weather conditions.
- They can dwell in more places, not only furniture.
- They can damage decorative woodwork items, musical instruments, wooden tools, and even wooden flooring.
- They consume both hardwood and softwood.
- They are very common and often seen in homes, buildings and furniture.
- Wood Borer: Wharfborer
- Scientific name: NACERDES MALAMURA
- Color :Yellow brown with tips of elytra (wing case) black.
- Length :7–14mm
- Sound : None
- Appearance : They have 3 ridges along the length of the elytra.
- They lay eggs on damp, decaying timber.
- Larvae bore through wood for about 9 months then emerge in Summer.
- Larvae require wood to be constantly wetted so that fungi break down the wood fibres.
- Two main sources of infestation in buildings — structural timbers where rainwater leakage occurs, and pieces of timber buried below concrete foundations, paths and pedestrian precincts